A Riddle of Positivity – making January jovial
The first few weeks of 2021 have been hard, to say the least.
After a record-breaking December at Priority whereby our Tech & IT, Care and Retail teams truly excelled, we had some great plans and ideas to kickstart the new year and we were all, truly, optimistic.
However, when January came there was a palpable air of disengagement and weariness amongst our team. We questioned if this disengagement was caused, or at least partly caused by work. But we have done very well as a business since the pandemic started. We pivoted, diversified, consolidated and then we grew. We not only ended 2020 on a high, but we also had some very big business wins in the first couple of weeks of January. Quite honestly, Priority is an exciting place to be right now.
What we recognised was that our disengagement and weariness was on a personal level. The third lockdown was implemented and with it came all of the personal challenges it brings – a lack of socialisation, a lack of normality and, not least, the challenge of home-schooling. Understandably, these challenges have taken their toll on many across the UK and it was evident on our daily team calls that we were not exempt.
Our leader recognised this and discussed it with us. We unitedly agreed that we haven’t looked after ourselves - mentally or physically. We’ve not been eating right, not exercising and not mentally exercising. These are all things critical to supporting our mental health while we navigate through the unchartered territory and restrictions that the pandemic has imposed upon us.
Things have now started to change, our leader has proactively reacted and is finding ways to support us in this personally challenging time. Amongst other things, one very simple action each morning has been to re-focus our morning team call so that we do not jump straight into work mode, but have an opportunity to socialise and to laugh – which has had a positive impact on me personally. He now starts our call with the daily riddle. Simple but effective.
Anders will video himself first thing in the morning and send it out to all of us. He will relay a riddle - something pretty simple and not too challenging, but enough to start the day off with a mental win! We then take some time to share our thoughts and talk and laugh before we continue with the work agenda.
It’s a start to the day that we needed: a win. Something to look forward to.
I just wanted to share this simple change that has had a positive impact on me and my colleagues. 2021 will continue to be its own challenge well beyond January, but united we will overcome the setbacks and roadblocks if only we remember to look after ourselves and one another.
Keep talking, keep sharing, keep jovial.
Originally posted on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-6757599796128686080-TDXh